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Search: “LSA”

News June 24, 2024

America’s HFFI to Increase Access to Fresh, Healthy Food Nationwide with New $60 Million FARE Fund 


Equitable Food Systems

News May 13, 2024

Reinvestment Fund Spring Newsletter


NJ Innovative Healthy Food Retail Initiative  

Impact Story March 2024

PHL-CNF Awards $400,000 towards supporting childcare businesses that utilize CACFP

News February 7, 2024

Reinvestment Fund Winter Newsletter

News January 24, 2024

Reinvestment Fund’s Limited Supermarket Access Analysis Informs Expanding Access to Affordable, Healthy Food for Georgian Families


Limited Supermarket Access Analysis

News June 2022

Reinvestment Fund Welcomes Our Summer 2022 Interns


Entrepreneur, Venroy July, is Building Black Wall Street in Baltimore

News June 9, 2022

Reinvestment Fund Awards $22.6 Million to Improve Healthy Food Access

News June 1, 2022

USDA Increases Investment in Farm Bill’s Healthy Food Financing


Limited Supermarket Access Analysis


Policy Solutions


Shoppes at Wissinoming


Robért’s Fresh Market


Albany Shopping Plaza and Bravo Supermarket

News September 20, 2021

Building an Equitable Food System: America’s Healthy Food Financing Initiative & other Tools for Increasing Food Access

News August 3, 2021

Support the proposed Community Revitalization Fund (CRF)

We urge you to add your organization to a sign on letter in support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s proposed Community Revitalization Fund (CRF).

News April 22, 2020

New Analysis Highlights Need for Food Investment in Rural America

Reinvestment Fund today released a new analysis that identifies Rural Food Access Investment Areas (Investment Areas). These Investment Areas are places in rural America that do not have easy access to healthy food retail but have the market demand to support investments in new and existing place-based solutions. Reinvestment Fund has identified 1,472 Investment Areas that are home to 11.7 million people in the rural U.S.

News November 5, 2018

Reinvestment News Fall 2018

At Reinvestment Fund, the essence of our work is to build social cohesion and restore community fabric. This past week, we witnessed ghastly events fueled by division and hate—experiences that are fundamentally antithetical to our values. These challenging events underscore that our friendships, alliances and shared support is more important now than ever before.

News August 20, 2018

17.6 Million Americans Have No Easy Access to Healthy Food in Their Communities

Despite gains over the past decade, limited access to healthy food continues to affect residents of both urban and rural communities across the United States—which is why Reinvestment Fund recently updated its Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) analysis. According to the 2018 update, 17.6 million people (5.6% of the population) live in LSA areas, a decrease of 3.1 million people (or 15%) from 2010.


2018 Update of the Limited Supermarket Access Analysis

Despite gains over the past decade, limited access to healthy food continues to affect urban and rural communities across the United States. Financing the construction of new supermarkets and the expansion of existing stores is one of the primary strategies to increase access to sources of healthy food in underserved communities. Reinvestment Fund’s Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) analysis is a tool to help investors and policymakers identify areas across the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia that have both inadequate and inequitable access to healthy food and sufficient market demand for new or expanded food retail operations.

News May 13, 2017

Food for Thought: Changing Supermarket Access in Your Cities

Since 2014, Reinvestment Fund has been working with cities and organizations around the country to accelerate the creation of new healthy food options in underserved communities. This partnership, called ReFresh (, has led to the creation of new data tools and market reports designed to help communities target healthy food investments.


2014 Analysis of Limited Supermarket Access

A summary overview of Reinvestment Fund’s 2014 analysis of Limited Supermarket Access (LSA). The analysis offers a look at the national landscape of access to healthy food as of 2014 and changes in the underserved population since 2005. The analysis is part of Reinvestment Fund’s extensive efforts to address the inadequate and inequitable access to healthy foods in communities across the country.


Searching for Markets: The Geography of Inequitable Access to Healthy & Affordable Food in the United States

Reinvestment Fund’s 2011 Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) analysis estimates that 24.6 million Americans live in areas with inadequate access to supermarkets. This analysis was conducted with support from the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund), as part of its Financing Healthy Food Options Track, in partnership with Opportunity Finance Network. Read the summary report to understand the analysis and read highlights or download the full report.